Work With Me

Learning the language of our body

Private sessions tailored to your unique nervous system, story, and needs. Using a blend of Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, parts work, attachment repair and guided sensory tracking we will work together to tend and befriend your system.

Intimately held,


and supported

Our work together is rooted in:

~Exploring your relationship to yourself and your body

~Moving at the unique pace of your own nervous system

~Cultivating trust within your own physiology

~Rewriting the story of long held beliefs that keep you feeling stuck

Where soma

meets self

What does somatic mean?

"Somatics" comes from the Greek word “Soma” meaning “the living body known from within”, or known to the Self. With this, we can understand that somatic work is an experiential approach towards mind/body integration, or a remembrance of the connection between these two that have in fact always been there. Somatic psychology is known as a “bottom up” approach as opposed to a “top-down” model, which means that we literally use the body as a guide in our experience of of mind/body healing.

If you find that you’re always living in your head, chances are, your body may have a lot it’s been wanting to say too!

You’re in the right place if you…

Are feeling stuck in life, in your health, in your career, in your relationships, in your healing journey

You are yearning to tend to complex or childhood trauma with deep love and care

Are struggling with chronic ailments and have tried “all the things” with no real success in finding any but of freedom

Want to cultivate deeper relationships with yourself, your romantic partner, family and close friendships

Healing happens when we are met exactly where we are

Working With Me

  • I work with clients for a 4 month or 6 month period at a time. Single sessions are available upon request.

    Please use the application below to inquire

A few notes on investing in ourselves..

I know from my own experience of anxiety around investing. Although I have spent thousands of dollars on mentorship, trainings, programs, therapy, education and more…there was a time when the thought of investing in myself in these ways was extremely frightening for me. If you are feeling any bit of that, I want you to know, I see you.

What I’ve learned is that there is nothing more important for my personal growth than investing in myself when something feels like a full body “yes” for me. The opportunities I have taken to pour back into my own human needs have been the most profound acts of self care I have ever made.

I truly believe that when we have access to the choice that we crave to choose, the most healing can transform when we give ourselves permission to lean into that decision. Trust in your body, trust in the sensations and somatic response in you to guide your decision. If working together feels right for you, you may already feel it in your body as an opening or a leaning towards. If that’s the case, know you’re in the right place at the right time.