Learning the Language of Your Body

With Lexy Florentina | Somatic Experiencing™ & Attachment Repair for Embodied Healing

Working through the lens of the nervous system to holistically tend to trauma, chronic illness, relational challenges, emotional distress and overwhelm.

“Trauma is not in the event, it’s in the response”

-Bessel Van Der Kolk

Our bodies are brilliant, our bodies are intelligent, our bodies are intentional.. and they are always working in an effort to protect us.

We have a brilliant system within our body called the Autonomic Nervous System and it is responsible for so many of our automatic processes, like digestion, heart rate and more. It's also our self protective system that constantly perceives, stores and responds to all of our lived experiences.

When we experience stressors or traumatic events that are too much for our system to cope with, our beautiful brilliant nervous system will come to our aid to keep us safe. It’s the response that our body then gets to take or not make that makes trauma traumatic, and sometimes our body remains in these interrupted states of self protection for much longer than it needs to.

This is when we can begin to experience things like chronic distress, anxiety, chronic illness, emotional challenges and more

Ways to Work With Me

Online Courses

My online comprehensive courses allow you to explore my work at your own pace. Through pre-recorded videos and exercises you’ll gain the toolbox the support your nervous system and begin learning the language of your body.

Live Group Program

Attune to You is a live 12 week group program offering you a unique experience of learning self attunement. This live program is guided by myself and supported by assistant coaches to cultivate an interactive and reparative experience for somatic-attachment healing

Private Sessions

The most intimate way to work with me. 1:1 sessions are tailored uniquely to you. Through weekly calls, we learn to track your nervous system and explore early imprints of trauma, attachment ruptures, and inhibited survival responses so you can begin to access safety, presence, and agency.

“Sometimes it feels like I am living my life for the first time, I have been able to begin to demand much less of myself and to feel that my value is not in what I do or in what I have, but in who I am. It was during this journey with Lexy that I could arrive to all of this” - Program Participant

Created by Dr Peter Levine, SE is a therapeutic modality that is at the center of the work I do with clients. A titrated approach to working with trauma, Somatic Experiencing® offers a body-first approach to working with trauma, chronic illness, stress, overwhelm and emotion.While a regular talk therapy session focuses on cognitively understanding and reframing thoughts and narrative, I use our dialogue as an opportunity to direct you towards your body and unconscious responses. Together we practice tracking physiological responses and getting to know your unique systems needs, desires, and gaps to attune to all parts of you.

Somatic Experiencing

My work is rooted in